From Sky Pirate Time
Mundane Items
Constructing an item requires tools, materials, and time.
- Tools: Appropriate tools for the item to be crafted are required. All characters participating in the crafting are required to be proficient in the required tools. Some examples of tools and the items they can build:
- Herbalism kit: Antitoxin, Potion of Healing
- Leather-working tools: Armor (Leather), Boots, Belts, Saddles
- Blacksmith tools: Armor (metal), Weapons, Shields
- Weaving tools: Cloaks, Robes
- Carpentry tools: Wagons/Carts, Furniture
- Jeweler's tools: Jewelry, Gemstone cutting
- Tinkerer's tools: Clockworks, Hourglass, Spyglass
- Materials: The character(s) must provide raw materials equal to half the final product's market price.
- Time: A character is able to produce items in increments of 10Gp per day of their market value. Multiple items can be produced during #time when the total market price of the items is less than 10Gp. Multiple characters can contribute to the creation of an item in increments of 10Gp per day.
Magic Items
Crafting a magic item has similar requirements to crafting mundane items.
- Tools: When crafting the item from scratch the tool requirements are the same as above. Tinkerer's tools can be used for Wondrous Items when no other tool is appropriate. Enchanting the item requires proficiency in the appropriate skill(s).
- Materials: Resources needed for crafting a magic item beyond the mundane item base are determined between the character and the DM. Exotic materials needed can include rare creature products, minerals, plants, and dragonshards.
- Time: The rate of crafting a magic item is the same as mundane items. If the mundane item part is already completed, the time is shown below. If the mundane item is also being crafted in tandem with it being magical, the time need is the greater between the mundane item and the magic item. Divide the crafting time by the tool or skill modifier determined by the DM to finalize the required time for crafting the magic item.
- Enchanting Times (days)
- Common: 5
- Uncommon: 20
- Rare: 200
- Very Rare: 2000
- Legendary: 10000
Some backgrounds and class abilities augment a characters crafting ability.
- Tinkerer Spare Parts: When crafting an item, at the DM's discretion, a character may choose to spend only 1/3 the item's market price, but must spend 50% more time crafting the item than normal.
- Productive Craftsman (Artificer):At 6th level, an Artificer's inventive knowledge allows them to create magic items more quickly. They can craft magic items twice as fast as normal.