From Sky Pirate Time

Cannon Operating Protection Prototype 3R, or COPP3R, is a Warforge created by the House Cannith during The Last War. COPP3R has taken to self identifying as male due time spent during the war with mostly male soldiers.


He is the final prototype of the COPS (Canon Operating Protection System) which were built specifically for use on the airships built by House Lyrandar. His exterior plating is primarily obsidian in color. The unique symbol on his head is a ...

COPS were developed for working on machinery. Tinkerer's tools integrated into their bodies so they are never far away when needed. Their hands are more slender than traditional warforge to aid in their work.


Created in -6BB, COPP3R was sold to the House of Lyrandar to fight during The Last War. As the COPS were designed for, COPP3R served as a primary engineer/mechanic for the engines and weaponry on the Dreadnought. He was friend when the Last War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold. Wondered around with his new freedom for a couple months. Had an awakening moment and sought out the Godforge. Joined an Assemblage looking for Aaren/Firstforge. Cruised around in an airship with Assemblage. Attend the Great Assemblage. Airship wreck (#1) killing the rest of the Assemblage. Become the Architect and continue on the Plan. Get work on airships as gun engineer to continue the search. 2 months later meet Kalserath on his first voyage. Find a sort of kinship in the weird human(?) and we continue to travel together in our separate searches. After 2 months meet the other two PCs and wreck(#2).

Personality Traits


COPS are forged with some magical capabilities to assist them in the task maintaining the airships the served on. As COPP3R was a prototype, he was trained in more numerous tools to identify which were need for the final system. With this and his experience on the Dreadnought, COPP3R quickly developed the skills of an Artificer. After gaining his freedom he began experimenting with crafting magic items during his free time.