Kalashtar lineages

From Sky Pirate Time

Sixty-seven rebel quori survived the exodus from Dal Quor, and every kalashtar has a bond to one of these spirits. The suffix attached to a kalashtar’s name is the name of the quori ancestor: Lanharath is Lan of the lineage of Harath. Quori spirits do have gender, and a newborn kalashtar inherits the bond to the spirit of the parent with the matching gender. Kalashtar can interbreed with humans and half-elves; if the gender of the child matches the kalashtar parent, it inherits the bond and is born a kalashtar. Otherwise it matches the race of the mundane parent. Kalashtar racial traits, including their distinctive appearance, stem from the touch of the quori on body and soul. There is no such thing as a “half-kalashtar.”

The quori founders no longer exist as true individuals; instead they live within the communal subconscious of all of their physical descendants. Members of the lineage cannot actively use this mental bond, but they share the same dreamlike memories and typically have the same opinions and moral values. Two Vakri kalashtar will find that they can anticipate one another’s actions, that they finish each other’s sentences, and that they naturally gravitate toward the same sides of an argument. Kalashtar with the same lineage are not mental clones, however. Each individual’s life experiences and human soul shape his or her character and personality, and alignment and behavior vary from character to character.

Roleplaying Application: You have a strong emotional bond to any kalashtar who shares the same ancestor. Treat such people as beloved brothers and sisters, even if you’ve never met before. Offer your help and hospitality. Under normal circumstances, you should expect the same treatment in return. If you end up fighting a kalashtar of the same lineage, do everything possible to take your opponent alive and find a way to redeem him.


  • Harath (M)
  • Kashtai (F)
  • Khad (M)
  • Melk (M)
  • Serath (M)
  • Shana (F)
  • Taratai (F) - extinct
  • Tari (F)
  • Tash (M)
  • Vakri (F)